PACT’s Carmen Henry-Harris discusses the importance of diverse populations in research with Jill Horner of Comcast Newsmakers

PACT’s Carmen Henry-Harris discusses the importance of diverse populations in research with Jill Horner of Comcast Newsmakers

PACT’s Carmen Henry-Harris discusses the importance of diverse populations in research with Jill Horner of Comcast Newsmakers

PACT’s Carmen Henry-Harris discusses the importance of diverse populations in research with Jill Horner of Comcast Newsmakers

PACT’s Carmen Henry-Harris discusses the importance of diverse populations in research with Jill Horner of Comcast Newsmakers

PACT’s Carmen Henry-Harris discusses the importance of diverse populations in research with Jill Horner of Comcast Newsmakers

Recently, Carmen Henry-HarrisCommunity Liaison and Coordinator for PACT, sat down with Comcast Newsmaker’s Jill Horner to discuss how PACT successfully functions with the community to ensure diverse populations are represented in research.  Click here to view the interview.

Carmen Henry-Harris and Jill Horner