We share information with the community through project specific newsletters, videos, dissemination mixers, and feedback to organizations involved in the studies. We also publish papers and studies to share our findings with the scientific community.
Dissemination to the Community
2024 Dauphin County Spring Neighboring Event
PACT participated in the 2024 Dauphin County Spring Neighboring Event on Saturday, May 18, to share information with the local community from PACT’s research projects and other ways community members can get involved with PACT
2019 Dauphin County 5th Annual Recovery Day
2018 Dauphin County 4th Annual Recovery Day
2017 Big 33 Football Classic Event
2017 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community
2017 15th Annual South Allison Hill Multicultural Parade & Festival
Posters and Flyers
PACT: Parents and Children Together
PACT: Parents and Children Together
BRAVE Transitions to School (English & Español)
Places/Lugares Project (English & Español)
Building a Strong Identity and Coping Skills
TIKES: Toddlers Into Kindergarteners: Emotions Study (English & Español)
ANT: Attention and Emotion in Infants
TAP: Thinking About Positives Project
BRAVE Intervention Development Study
Child Attention & Learning Study
Caregiving, Attachment & Regulation of Emotion (CARE)
Parents Planning and Learning about Attention-related Needs
Project SIESTA: Study of Infants’ Emergent Sleep Trajectories
Dissemination to the Scholarly Community
A-n-T: Attention and Temperament in Infancy
LoBue, V., Buss, K.A., Taber-Thomas, B.C., Perez-Edgar, K. (2016). Developmental Differences in Infants’ Attention to Social and Nonsocial Threats. Infancy (Oct 12, 2016).
Buss, K. A., Alton, B., Bryant, C., Perry-Smith, R., Teti, L., Witherspoon, D., Woodhouse, S. S., Breland-Noble, A. (2104, April). Development of a community-engaged intervention to reduce anxiety in underserved African American children. In D. Witherspoon & S. S. Woodhouse (Chairs), Community-based/engaged research to develop programs that successfully attend to demographic and racial-ethnic diversity. Symposium conducted at the 2014 Society for Research in Child Development Special Topic Meeting: Strengthening Connections Among Child and Family Research, Policy, and Practice, Alexandria, Virginia.
Buss, K.A., Perry-Smith, R., Teti, L. O., Witherspoon, D., Woodhouse, S., Henry-Harris, C. & PACT Community Advisory Board. (in prep). Development of a community-university partnership for healthy child development. Manuscript in preparation.
Caregiving, Attachment and Regulation of Emotions (CARE)
Buss, K.A., Perry-Smith, R., Teti, L. O., Witherspoon, D., Woodhouse, S., Henry-Harris, C. & PACT Community Advisory Board. (in prep). Development of a community-university partnership for healthy child development. Manuscript in preparation.
Woodhouse, S. S., & Beeney, J. R. S. (2011, March). Attachment, secure base scripts, and perceived infant intentionality: Links with maternal secure base provision. Poster session presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Canada.
Woodhouse, S. S., Beeney, J. R. S., & Larrimore, M. (2013, April). Attachment-related differences in both mother and infant emotion regulation and stress reactivity. Poster session presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, Washington.
Child Attention and Learning Study (CAL)
Huang-Pollock, C., Maddox, T., & Karalunas, S.L. (2011). Development of implicit and explicit category learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 109, 321-335.
Huang-Pollock, C.L., Maddox, W.T., Tam, H. (2014). Rule-based and associative perceptual category learning are impaired in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Neuropsychology, 28, 594-604.
Huang-Pollock, C., Shapiro, Z., Galloway-Long, H., & Weigard, A. (2016). Is poor working memory a transdiagnostic risk factor for psychopathology? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10802-016-0219-8.
Huang-Pollock, C.L., Maddox, W.T., Tam, H. (in press). Rule-based and associative perceptual category learning are impaired in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Neuropsychology.
Huang-Pollock, C., Ratcliff, R., McKoon, G., Shapiro, Z., Weigard, A., Galloway-Long, H. (in press). Using the drift diffusion model to explain cognitive deficits in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.
Karalunas, S. & Huang-Pollock, C. (2013). Integrating evidence of slow reaction times and impaired executive function using a diffusion model framework. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 41, 837-850.
Tam, H., Maddox, W.T., Huang-Pollock, C. (2013). Post-error slowing predicts rule-based but not information integration category learning. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 20, 1343-1349.
Weigard, A. & Huang-Pollock, C. (2014). A diffusion modeling approach to understanding contextual cueing in children with ADHD. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55, 1336-1344.
Weigard, A., Huang-Pollock, C., & Brown, S. (2016). Evaluating the consequences of impaired monitoring of learned behavior in ADHD using a Bayesian hierarchical model of choice response time. Neuropsychology, 30, 502-515.
Weigard, A. & Huang-Pollock, C. (in press). The role of speed in ADHD-related working memory deficits: A time-based resource sharing and diffusion model account. Clinical Psychological Science.
Weigard, A. & Huang-Pollock, C.L. (in press). Using diffusion modeling to assess implicit learning of spatial context in ADHD. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Families, Adolescents, and Neighborhoods in Context (The FAN-C Study)
Buss, K.A., Perry-Smith, R., Teti, L. O., Witherspoon, D., Woodhouse, S., Henry-Harris, C. & PACT Community Advisory Board. (in prep). Development of a community-university partnership for healthy child development. Manuscript in preparation.
Feeding and Caring for your Infant Study
Kugler, K.C., Balantekin, K.N., Birch, L.L. & Savage, J.S. (2016) Application of the multiphase optimization strategy to a pilot study: an empirical example targeting obesity among children of low-income mothers. BMC Public Health. Nov 22:16(1):1181.
Savage, J.S., Rollins, B.Y., Kugler, K.C., Birch, L.L. & Marini, M.E. (2017) Development of a theory-based questionnaire to assess structure and control in parent feeding (SCPF). Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. Jan 26; 14(1):9. doi: 10.1186/s12966-017-0466-2.
Savage, J.S. & Birch, L.L. (2015). WIC mothers’ depressive symptoms are associated with greater use of feeding to soothe, regardless of perceived child negativity. Pediatric Obesity. doi:10.1111/ijpo.12122.
Savage, J.S., Neshteruk, C.D., Balantekin, K.N. & Birch, L.L. (2016). Low-Income Women’s Feeding Practices and Perceptions of Dietary Guidance: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Maternal Child Health. doi:10.1007/s10995-016-2076-z.
Harrisburg Preschool Program
Domitrovich, C. E., Moore, J., & Greenberg, M. T. (2012). Maximizing the effectiveness of social-emotional interventions for young children through high quality implementation of evidence-based interventions. In B. Kelley and D. Perkins (Eds.),Handbook of Implementation Science for Psychology in Education (pp. 207-229), Cambridge University Press: New York.
Jennings, P.A., Snowberg, K. E., Coccia, M. A., & Greenberg, M. T. (2011). Improving classroom learning environments byCultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE): Results of two pilot studies. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 46, 37-48.
Jennings. P. A., Snowberg, K. E., Frank, J. L. , Coccia, M. A. & Greenberg, M. T. (2013). Improving classroom learning environments by cultivating awareness and resilience in education (CARE): Results of a randomized controlled trial. School Psychology Quarterly, 28, 374-390.
Toso, B.W., Campbell, K., Prins, E., Schaefer, B., Witherspoon, D., & Woodhouse, S. (2014, June). “You have to be proactive with your child’s health”: Learning and health literacy among caregivers of children with ADHD. Paper to be presented and published in the proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference, Harrisburg, PA.
Toso, B. W., Prins, E. S., Campbell, K., Schaefer, B., Witherspoon, D. P., & Woodhouse, S. S. (2014, June). “You have to be proactive with your child’s health”: Learning and health literacy among caregivers of children with ADHD. Paper to be presented at the annual Adult Education Research (AERC) Conference, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Toso, B. W., Mooney, A., & Prins, E. (2014, April). “We’re going to put him on Methylin”: Parents’ health literacy needs concerning children’s ADHD. Paper to be presented and published in the proceedings of the National Conference on Family Literacy.
Witherspoon, D., Woodhouse, S. S., Davis, D., Campbell, K., Huang-Pollock, C., Prins, E. Schaefer, B., & Toso, B. (2104, April). Considering culture in ADHD treatment for African American, lower SES families: Using community engaged research to develop practice. In D. Witherspoon & S. S. Woodhouse (Chairs), Community-based/engaged research to develop programs that successfully attend to demographic and racial-ethnic diversity. Symposium conducted at the 2014 Society for Research in Child Development Special Topic Meeting: Strengthening Connections Among Child and Family Research, Policy, and Practice, Alexandria, Virginia.
PATHS to Success
Domitrovich, C. E., Morgan, N. T., Moore, J. E., Rhoades, B. L., Shah, H. K., Jacobson, L. & Greenberg. M. T. (2013).One versus two years: Does length of exposure to an enhanced preschool program impact the academic functioning of disadvantaged children in kindergarten? Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28, 704-713.
DuPuis, D.*, Ram, N., Willner, C. J.*, Karalunas, S., Segalowitz, S. J., & Gatzke-Kopp, L.M. § (2015). Implications of ongoing neural development for the measurement of the error-related negativity in childhood. Developmental Science, 18, 425-468. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/desc.12229/abstract
Fortunato, C. F.*, Gatzke-Kopp, L. M., & Ram, N. (2013). Associations between respiratory sinus arrhythmia reactivity and internalizing and externalizing symptoms are emotion specific. Cognitive and Affective Behavioral Neuroscience, 13, 238-251. http://dx.doi.org/10.3758/s13415-012-0136-4
Gatzke-Kopp, L. M., Greenberg, M., & Bierman, K. (2013). Parasympathetic reactivity to specific emotions moderates response to intervention for early-onset aggression. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Online First,DOI:10.1080/15374416.2013.862801
Gatzke-Kopp, L. M., Greenberg, M., Fortunato, C. K., & Coccia, M. A. (2012). Aggression as an equifinal outcome of distinct neurocognitive and neuroaffective processes. Development and Psychopathology, 24, 985-1002. DOI:10.1017/S0954579412000491
Gatzke-Kopp, L. M., Jetha, M. K*., & Segalowitz, S. J. (2014). The role of resting frontal EEG asymmetry in psychopathology: Afferent or efferent filter? Developmental Psychobiology, 56, 73-85. DOI:10.1002/dev.21092
Willner, C. J.*, Gatzke-Kopp, L. M., Bierman, K., Greenberg, M., & Segalowitz, S. J. (submitted). Relevance of a neurophysiological marker of selective attention for children’s learning-related behaviors and academic performance.
Study of Infants’ Emergent Sleep TrAjectories (SIESTA)
Countermine, MS, & Teti, DM. (2010). Sleep arrangements and maternal adaptation in infancy. Infant Mental Health Journal, 31(6), 647-663.
Jian, N., & Teti, D. M. (2016). Infant temperament, maternal emotional availability at bedtime, and infant sleep development from 1 to 6 months. Sleep Medicine, 23, 49-58.
Kim, B.-R., Teti, D. M., & Cole, P. M. (2012). Mothers’ affect dysregulation, depressive symptoms, and emotional availability during mother-infant interaction. Infant Mental Health Journal, 33(5), 469-476.
Kim, B.-R., Stifter, C. A., Philbrook, L. E., & Teti, D. M. (2014). Infant emotion regulation: relations to bedtime emotional availability, attachment security, and temperament. Infant Behavior and Development, 37(4), 480-490.
Kim, B.-R., & Teti, D. M. (2014). Maternal emotional availability during infant bedtime: an ecological framework. Journal of Family Psychology, 28 (1), 1-11.
McDaniel, B., & Teti, D. M. (2012). Coparenting quality during the first three months after birth: the role of infant sleep quality. Journal of Family Psychology, 26(6), 886-895.
Philbrook, L. E., Hozella, A. C., Kim, B.-R., Jian, N., Shimizu, M., & Teti, D. M. (2014). Maternal emotional availability at bedtime and infant cortisol at 1 and 3 months. Early Human Development, 90(10), 595-605.
Philbrook, L., & Teti, D. M. (2016). Associations between bedtime and nighttime parenting and infant cortisol in the first year. Developmental Psychobiology, 58(8), 1087-1100.
Philbrook, L., & Teti, D. M. (2016). Bidirectional associations between bedtime parenting and infant sleep: Parenting quality, parenting practices, and their interaction. Journal of Family Psychology, 30(4), 431-441.
Teti, D. M., Kim, B-R., Mayer, G. E., & Countermine, M. (2010). Maternal emotional availability at bedtime predicts infant sleep quality. Journal of Family Psychology, 24(3), 307-315.
Teti, D. M., & Cole, P. M. (2011). Parenting at risk: New perspectives, new approaches. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(5), 625-634.
Teti, D. M., & Crosby, B. (2012). Maternal depressive symptoms, dysfunctional cognitions, and infant night waking: The role of maternal nighttime behavior. Child Development, 83(3), 939-953. (Press release issued 4/17/2012 by Child Development).
Teti, D. M., Kim, B-R., Crosby, B. (2012). Maternal depression and mothering: Daytime and nighttime parenting during the transition to parenthood. In V. Olisah (Ed.), Mental Health. InTech Open Access publisher.
Teti, D. M., & Kim, B-R. (2014). Infants and preschool children: Observational assessments of attachment, a review and discussion of clinical applications. In S. Farnfield & Paul P. Holmes (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of attachment: Assessment. United Kingdom: Routledge (Taylor & Francis).
Teti, D. M., Crosby, B., McDaniel, B., Shimizu, M., & Whitesell, C. (2015) Marital and emotional adjustment in mothers and infant sleep arrangements during the first six months. In M. El-Sheikh & A. Sadeh (Eds.), Sleep and child development. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 80(1), 160-176.
Teti, D. M., Philbrook, L., Shimizu, M., Reader, J., Rhee, H.-Y., McDaniel, B., Crosby, B., Kim, B.-K., & Jian, N. (2015). The social ecology of infant sleep: Structural and qualitative features of bedtime and nighttime parenting and infant sleep in the first year. In S. Calkins (Ed.), Handbook of infant biopsychosocial development (pp. 359-391). Guilford Press.
Teti, D. M., Shimizu, M., Crosby, B. & Kim, B.-R. (2016). Sleep arrangements, parent-infant sleep during the first year, and family functioning. Developmental Psychology, 52(8), 1169-1181.
Whitesell, C., Teti, D. M., Crosby, B., & Kim, B.-R. (2015). Household chaos, sociodemographic risk, coparenting, and parent-infant relations during infants’ first year. Journal of Family Psychology, 29(2), 211-220.
Toddlers Into Kindergarteners: Emotions Study
Brooker, R. J., Kiel, E. J., & Buss, K. A. (2016) Early social fear predicts kindergarteners’ socially anxious behaviors: Direct associations, moderation by inhibitory control, and differences from nonsocial fear. Emotion, 16, 997-1010. doi: 10.1037/emo0000135
Buss, K. A., Davis, E. L., Ram, N., Coccia, M. (2017) Dysregulated fear, social inhibition, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia: A replication and extension. Child Development. No pagination specified. doi. 10.1111/cdev.12774
Morales, S., Perez-Edgar, K. & Buss, K. A. (2015) Attention biases towards and away from threat mark the relation between early dysregulated fear and the later emergence of social withdrawal. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 43, Iss. 6, 1067-1078. doi: 10.1007/s10802-014-9963-9