Laureen Teti, Ph.D.

Laureen Teti, Ph.D.

Laureen Teti, Ph.D.

Laureen Teti, Ph.D.

Laureen Teti, Ph.D.

Laureen Teti, Ph.D.

  • Associate Research Professor, Psychology
  • Associate Director, Child Study Center
Laureen Teti, Ph.D.

Dr. Laureen Teti is one of several Penn State faculty who was involved in the 2007 establishment of Parents And Children Together (PACT). As an Associate Director of PACT, Dr. Teti co-chairs PACT’s Dissemination Event committee with PACT’s Community Engagement Coordinator, Carmen Henry-Harris, M.A. Dr. Teti is an Associate Research Professor in Psychology, and the Associate Director of Penn State’s Child Study Center. Dr. Teti is a co-investigator on the community-engaged BRAVE project headed by Dr. Kristin Buss and Dr. Karen Bierman, PIs, which is developing an intervention in Harrisburg to reduce anxiety in urban African-American children. Since Fall 2017, Dr. Teti has served on Penn State’s College of the Liberal Arts’ Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Transparency (CODIT).