Over the past few decades, the social world of teens has been transformed by digital media, including social media and messaging apps that are commonly used in daily life. Many adolescents also experience increases in difficult emotions, particularly anxiety. The BOLT project examines associations among digital media use, social connections, emotions and anxiety in adolescents. We would like to answer questions about how teens use digital media in ways that support or get in the way of social connections, how online behaviors relate to how teens think and feel in their daily lives, and why digital media use may be helpful or harmful for some teens.
Myruski, PI
The BRAVE project is a community-based participatory research project designed to (1) determine the factors associated with increases in anxiety symptoms for preschool and young school-aged children in Harrisburg; and (2) to develop and test a preventive intervention to reduce these symptoms and positive outcomes as children transition to school.
Buss, Teti, Woodhouse, Witherspoon & Bierman, PIs
Funder: Penn State’s Social Science Research Institute
Building a Strong Identity and Coping Skills (BaSICS) is a new coping and empowerment intervention for preadolescent children who face significant chronic stress. A virtual version (vBaSICS) is now offered.
Wadsworth, PI
Funder: National Institute of Mental Health
This investigation is being done to fill gaps in our understanding of how childbirth preparation—especially prenatal mindfulness training—impacts mothers’ and babies’ well-being through the maternal brain and the mother-baby relationship.
Laurent, PI
Funder: Mind & Life Institute
The Hands and Hearts Together team is partnering with Capital Area Head Start/Early Head Start to support parents of young children participating in Early Head Start. The study focuses on understanding how a new 8-session home visiting parenting support program works. The parenting support program is offered in either English or Spanish.
Woodhouse & Cassidy, PIs
The purpose of HelpFUL is to develop an innovative assessment process for children who are struggling with language and reading. Research and anecdotal evidence suggests that traditional methods for assessing language abilities do not capture the full picture for many children. There is a growing body of research suggesting that the ways children process language in the moment are very important for understanding their long-term difficulties. Our assessment draws on this research. We will seek input from parents and educators on how to report the results in a way that is easy for parents and teachers to understand and use.
Williams & Miller, PIs
Funder: N/A
The PARADE projects explore African American and Latino families’ daily experiences in Harrisburg and surrounding areas in order to understand more about how teens and parents interact with their environment, how they feel about the places they go, and how environment and culture shape parenting and youth behaviors.
Witherspoon, PI
Funder: Penn State College of the Liberal Arts, Department of Psychology, and McCourtney Family Early Career Professorship Funds
The goal of this project is to further develop and test a parenting program that targets culturally-specific parenting practices in Latine families. The goal is to support Latine parents in developing skills to help their child manage racial stressors and develop a positive racial-ethnic identity, while also improving family relationships and promoting youth’s positive social and emotional development.
Galán, PI
The TEENS project is a longitudinal study aiming to understand the complex systems involved in the development of social anxiety in adolescents.
Buss, PI
Funder: National Institute of Mental Health
This project aims to expand our understanding of how early childhood experiences—especially the mothers’ stress and psychological well-being during pregnancy and the first few years of the child’s life—shape the biological systems (such as hormones and inflammation) that form the basis for lifelong stress regulation and associated health outcomes.
Laurent, PI
Funder: National Institute of Health and Human Development
The A-n-T: Attention and Temperament in Infancy study examines the way attention may be linked to temperament and emotional behavior from the first years of life.
Pérez-Edgar & Buss, PIs
Funder: National Institute of Mental Health
This project is a prevention program designed to prevent the development of anxiety and depression symptoms in preadolescent children facing chronic stress.
Wadsworth, PI
Funder: Africana Research Center and PSU Social Science Research Institute
The purpose of the CARE Study is to examine maternal caregiving and the development of infants’ attachment, emotion regulation, patterns of stress reactivity, and mental health in the first year of life; as well as to better understand factors linked to maternal caregiving.
Woodhouse & Buss, PIs
Funder: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
The Child Attention and Learning Study aims to understand the cognitive processes that place children at risk for the development of childhood ADHD, academic difficulties, and social skills deficits.
Huang-Pollock, PI
Funder: National Institute of Mental Health
The CERC Community Research Day, an event planned for the Harrisburg Community through the Clinical and Translational Science Institute and the Community-Engaged Research Core, is an opportunity for Community-Based Organization (CBO) leaders to make connections with Penn State faculty from University Park, Harrisburg, and Hershey, with CERC accepting applications for small planning grants and/or small pilot studies (up to $5K) to foster sustainable partnerships between faculty and CBOs after our event.
Wadsworth, PI
Funder: Penn State’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute
This randomized clinical trial implements and evaluates the effects of a sleep-enhanced adaptation of an evidence-based transition-to-parenting coparenting intervention [Family Foundations (FF)] on quality of coparenting, parental well-being, parent and infant sleep, and infant-parent relationships.
Teti, PI
Funder: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development
The Longitudinal Attention and Temperament study is a longitudinal study examining attention to threat, biological markers, and early patterns of emotion across varying socioemotional contexts in children between the ages of 4 and 24 months.
Pérez-Edgar, Buss, and LoBue, PIs
Funder: National Institute of Mental Health
The goal of the Fam Best study is to understand how parents and teens in the modern family support each other, by observing family interaction at home.
Bai, PI
Funder: Penn State SSRI and College of Health and Human Development
The Understanding Families, Adolescents, and Neighborhoods in Context (FAN-C) project is a mixed-methods study that examines how the neighborhood context influences family functioning (e.g., parenting strategies) and adolescent outcomes (e.g., racial and academic attitudes and behavioral well-being).
Witherspoon, PI
Funder: Penn State’s Department of Psychology, College of the Liberal Arts
The goal of the Feeding Infants and Toddlers study is to develop an optimized behavioral intervention that promotes responsive parenting and feeding among low income mothers enrolled in the Women, Infants and Children Program.
Savage, Birch & Paul, PIs
Funder: Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
This project will collect pilot data to support the premise that delays in neurocognitive development among at-risk adolescents compromise their ability to respond favorably to a widely used juvenile justice intervention- Multisystemic Therapy (MST) – compared to adolescents with higher levels of functioning.
Fishbein, Wadsworth, PIs
Funder: Social Science Research Institute
The P-PLAN (Parents Planning & Learning about Attention-Related Needs) seeks to understand health literacy among caregivers of school-age (grade K-5) children with ADHD, including (a) how caregivers seek out and make sense of information about ADHD, (b) how they make decisions about ADHD treatment, (c) their experiences of interacting with professionals about their child’s ADHD, and (d) their supports and needs for support related to parenting a child with ADHD.
Prins, Woodhouse, Witherspoon & Huang-Pollock, PIs
Funder: Penn State College of Education; Penn State Children, Youth, and Families Consortium
The goals of the PA-PREG project are to understand patterns of substance use risk in our communities, connect women to community-based services, and to understand the psychological, biological, and environmental determinants of substance use, as well as the intergenerational effect it has in our communities.
Eiden, PI
Funder: Penn State
The PRISM project is pilot study designed to better understand how parents regulate themselves, and how parents and children regulate each other, when parents discipline child misbehavior at home.
Lunkenheimer, PI
Funder: Penn State’s Social Science Research Institute
This study addresses how parents experience and manage stress in their lives and how stress affects parenting and engagement in community supports.
Lunkenheimer, PI
Funder: NICHD
Parental support of learning for children in grades K-3
Greenberg, PI
Funder: Pennsylvania Department of Health
The Places/Lugares project is a study that examines how place (i.e., inside and outside of the residential neighborhood) and culture impact parental monitoring (as well as other parenting behaviors) as well as shape the link between parenting practices and youth behaviors among Latino families. All aspects of the project are provided in English or Spanish.
Witherspoon & Bámaca, Co-PIs
Stephen Matthews (Investigator)
Funder: National Council on Family Relations (NCR) Innovation Grant
Proyecto Places/Lugares
El proyecto PLACES/LUGARES es un estudio que se enfoca en como los lugares (i.e., adentro y afuera del vecindario residencial) y la cultura afectan como los padres cuidan a sus hijos (y otros comportamiento de los padres) así como moldean la asociación entre las prácticas de los padres y los comportamientos de los jóvenes en familias Latinas. Todos los aspectos del proyecto se proporcionan en inglés o español.
Investigadores Principales: Witherspoon & Bámaca
Investigador: Stephen Matthews
Fundación: Beca innovadora del Consejo Nacional de Relaciones Familiares (National Council on Family Relations, NCFR)
The goal of this project is to reduce violence and improve safety within the middle school and in the UpTown neighborhood of Harrisburg, PA. The RiseUp multicomponent program combines school-embedded stress-and-trauma informed coping intervention (BaSICS) with a community-driven neighborhood crime and blight reduction initiative in which the youth are actively engaged. Study goals: (1) Identifying and eradicating crime hotspots and blight via improvements to the built environment, (2) addressing the need for transformative trauma-informed educational practices and preventive mental health services in the public schools, and (3) mobilizing community coalitions of parents and youth to work together on solutions for crime hotspots.
Wadsworth, Lee, and Tri-County Community Action, PIs
Funder: Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
Project SIESTA (Study of Infants’ Emergent Sleep TrAjectories) is a study of parent and child contributions to the development of infant sleep patterns across the infant’s first two years of life.
Teti, PI
Funder: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
The Talk, Touch, and Listen study uses a university/community partnership approach to deliver an 8-week parent support group called Talk, Touch & Listen While Combing Hair. This program promotes positive interaction during the everyday routine of combing hair to strengthen parent-infant and toddler attachment relationships.
Woodhouse, Lewis & Witherspoon, PIs
Funder: Lehigh University
The goal of this project is to test the feasibility of a mobile stress-reduction app (iPod/iPhone) in adolescents who have elevated anxiety/stress symptoms and/or who are exposed to community-level stressors.
Dennis & Buss, PIs
Funder: Frontiers of Innovation Grant, The Center for the Developing Child at Harvard University
Teens’ Interpersonal Environments (TIES-ENLACES) is our most recent project focused on understanding Latino parents’ and adolescents’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding peers, friends, and family.
Bámaca, PI
Funder: The Pennsylvania State University
Teens Interpersonal Environments (TIES-ENLACES) es nuestro proyecto más reciente enfocado en comprender los pensamientos, sentimientos, y comportamientos de los padres y adolescentes latinos en cuanto a sus compañeros, amigos, y familiares.
Investigador Principal: Bámaca
Fundación: The Pennsylvania State University
This research project explores the development of children’s emotions from toddlerhood through the start of kindergarten.
Buss, PI
Funder: National Institute of Mental Health